A young man tragically lost his life in Kitabu sub-county, Kasese district after drowning in River Nyamughasana. The victim, Joel Mumbere, was only 24 and a resident of Nyondo village. He had been en route to attend his grandmother’s burial in Nsenyi cell in Kisinga town council when he attempted to cross the river. Unfortunately, Mr. Mumbere misjudged the increased water level and was unable to make it safely to the other side.
The Chairperson of Kanyabusogha village, Mr. Venus Masereka, confirmed the tragic incident. Additionally, Mr. Ivan Katto Kule, Examiner Reporter, was on the scene soon after and reported that the deceased would be buried at his home in Nyondo village. We extend our condolences to Mr. Mumbere’s family, friends, and loved ones during this difficult time and pray that his soul may rest in eternal peace.