According to The New Times, Kevin Hart, the popular American comedian and movie actor, is currently in Kigali. On Tuesday, he was spotted at Haute Baso in the company of his family. Haute Baso, a Made in Rwanda shop, expressed their gratitude to the Hart family for choosing to shop with them, sharing a post on Twitter along with a picture. The tweet read, “We are honored to have hosted @KevinHart4real and @enikohart + family at hautebaso! Thank you for shopping.” The photo features Kevin Hart, his wife Eniko, their children, and the staff of Haute Baso.
Kevin Hart rose to fame with his appearance on the show ‘Undeclared’ and made his debut in the film ‘Paper Soldiers’. He gained further recognition through his roles in movies like ‘Soul Plane’, ‘The 40-Year-Old Virgin’, ‘Death at a Funeral’, and ‘Little Fockers’