In a tragic incident, a 70-year-old woman named Afusa Mbabazi was killed after being hit by a speeding motorcycle in Kibuga village, located in Karusandara Sub County, Kasese district.
The victim’s identity was confirmed by SP Nelson Tumushiime, the Rwenzori East Region Police spokesperson, who revealed that Afusa Mbabazi was a resident of the same area.
According to Mr. Posiano Nyibigaba, the Chairperson of the local council one, the accident occurred this morning while late Mbabazi was on her way to the garden.
In response to this unfortunate incident, Nyibigaba issued a warning to boda-boda cyclists, urging them to avoid over speeding and riding under the influence of alcohol to ensure the safety of both their lives and pedestrians.
As of now, the police have transported Afusa Mbabazi’s body to the Kasese Municipal Mortuary for a postmortem examination.