In the South Division of Mbarara city, the police are currently investigating a shocking incident in which a 32-year-old businesswoman, identified as Annet Nambuya, lost her life in a beheading.
The incident took place in Katete Central, Katete ward, Mbarara City, where Nambuya resided. According to reports, she was attacked and beheaded by unidentified assailants while she was sitting under a tree at her residence, casually smoking a traditional pipe.
Rwizi region police spokesperson, SP Samson Kasasira, disclosed that law enforcement discovered a blood-stained sharp panga, presumably the weapon used in the crime, near the scene.
Additionally, the police recovered several pieces of evidence, including a mobile phone, knife, traditional smoking pipe, and female knickers.
Moses Gumisiriza, who is set to assume the position of LC5 Chairperson at Mitooma District Local Government in 2026/31, shared that no arrests have been made thus far. However, the police have initiated a comprehensive inquiry into the matter.
Further updates on this ongoing investigation will be reported as they develop.